About Us
About Us
About Us

Thank you.
Introduced 4th Generation Logistics System
(Vehicle Business for big buyers such as SAM’S Club) .
Contracted for Logistics provider with
KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) -
Purchased & Owned Warehouse (Elk Grove Village, IL.)
Acquired ISA Certificate / U.S. Customs (#GL0110004)
Acquired D/G Operation Certificate (#A03043).
Joined FAA Membership -
Established the branches in LAX, JFK
Acquired FMC License / Washington D. C. (#4159N/F) -
Incorporated in IL. United States. (Oct. 19. 1995)
Overall, inefficient logistics management can be quite costly for businesses. These costs can be significantly reduced by our personalized services in procurement and logistics management needs. We will find the most reliable, safe, and cost-effective methods available to maximize your competitiveness in the global market. Overall, our “Blue Logistics” will optimize all your possible options with customized consulting.
We are not only a transportation solution through the global network but also a One-stop Logistic Service for all your sourcing needs. Our aim in assisting with procurement, marketing, sales, & distribution of products service is our so-called “Fourth Generation Logistics”.
Today’s purchasing power paradigm is diverse and fast-changing. Risk, responsibility, and inventory-focused needs are increasing. Even though this is true, there are reasonable and appropriate countermeasures that will provide good opportunities for both buyers and suppliers. It is in our best interest to keep pace with these trends and to find the optimum “Flow of Logistics” together with the customer for the benefit of the customer’s needs and satisfaction. This is what we call our “Customer Need-based Logistics”
Through our special services we will maximize the competitiveness of our customers’ products, as well as support the growth of business and sales. This is also a great opportunity for building great business relationships. For the continuous growth of this kind of WIN-WIN BUSINESS, we strive to foster this kind of mentality within our team as well as our customer’s staff. This is the “High-quality Logistic Services” that will go beyond your expectations.